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So Many Questions, So Few Answers, Pt. 2


“Why don’t we just ban earthquakes while we’re at it? They kill people, too”

– A reply by some gun-nut to an article about gun control.  

We’ve now been staying in New York for three months, the same duration as the total amount of time we spent living in Bonn, Germany. We love it here, but there are just so many things we’ll never understand. When we had been here for a month I wrote part one of this post, a post consisting of a bunch questions we had and things we were curious about here. Although I received no actual answers to those questions, I did receive some pretty threatening replies from some crazy Christian guy in Texas. Go on, click that link and scroll down to his comments, they’re insane.
But, in reality, I still haven’t really found answers, just more questions, however, let’s just get one thing clear; This is not a list of hates, dislikes, etc. It is a list of observations that we don’t understand and to which we are trying to adapt, observations such as:

These are all that come to mind at the moment, but, as was the case last time I made a similar post, I’m sure there will be more questions to come over our remaining nine months in New York. Again, these aren’t complaints or a list of dislikes, but just a table of objects and situations we are both still trying to wrap our heads around

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